Hi, I'm Kyla Cooper

First, thanks for coming here. I'm glad you found me.

I'm a mama to 2 littles Claire (7) and Caroline (3). I'm a wife to my sweet husband, John. John helps people plan for retirement and manage wealth, he's really good at it. :) John got me my first camera for my 30th birthday. I just wanted it to take photos of Claire. But I quickly fell in love with photography, and so here I am, trying to make this hobby into business. We live in Milan, TN.

I'm a lover of Jesus, coffee, dry shampoo, mascara, and black leggings. I can't live without Bert's Bees chapstick, and you will never, ever catch me without my earrings on. I love to cook and bake, sing in the car, a good massage, and a top knot.

That's enough about me, I wanna get to know YOU. So let's book you a session!